



넷플릭스 '나는 신이다' 성피해자 폭로 장면 캡쳐. A씨는 대역임에도 불구하고 MBC측은 대역이라는 안내 없이

'성 피해자, 전) JMS 보고자'로 자막처리해 시청자로 하여금 실제 JMS 성피해자오 오인하게 했다. [사진=넷플릭스 캡쳐]

ネットフリックス「私は神だ」JMSチョン・ミョンソク編で性被害者(元JMS報告者)として出演した人が、代役俳優だったことが明らかになった。 「私は神だ」というドキュメンタリーシリーズで過去MBC PD手帳(プログラム名)で取材、放送された内容にインタビューを加えて拡張して作ったドキュメンタリーだと知られており、論難が予想される。







俳優A氏が締結したネットフリックスドキュメンタリー「私は神だ」出演契約書。 公正取引法違反の素地があるという論難だ。






続けて「私が望むのは被害補償金ではなく、キャスティング当時に約束した通り『代役』と表示することだ。「性被害者 前)JMS報告者」という字幕を除いて、「代役」という文句を入れ、音声変調して私の身分が露出しないようにしてほしい」とし、「ネットフリックスを通して<私は神だ>編が全世界に広がり、ユーチューブにも「短い動画」で広がっており、映画関係者や周辺の知人が私をJMS被害者と誤認する。精神的被害が大きい。俳優のイメージにも打撃を受けており、俳優の職業にも被害を受けている」と訴えた。





[Exclusive] Controversy Surrounding Netflix's 'I Am God' for MBC made body double actress into a Victim of Sexual Assault


Capture of the scene exposing the sexual assault victim in Netflix's 'I Am God'. Despite A being the body double actress, MBC handled the subtitles as 'Sexual Assault Victim, Former JMS Member' without indicating that A was the body double actress, causing viewers to mistakenly associate A as an actual JMS sexual assault victim. [Photo: Netflix Capture]

Body double actress A: "MBC subcontractor violated agreements, didn't write down as a body double actress for the dubbing work, and didn't even disguise my voice(not using voice modulation)."
"I complained  multiple times about it with MBC and the subcontractor regarding not writing it down as a body double actress, but they ignored them."

It has been revealed that the person who appeared as a sexual assault victim (former JMS member) in the JMS segment of Netflix's 'I Am God' was actually a body double actress. Controversy was expected due to the recent fact shown,  'I Am God' is a documentary series that added interviews and expanded upon the content previously already covered in MBC's PD Notebook.
According to a comprehensive report by Public News, Actress A received an offer from the production company of MBC-Netflix Original around August 2021 to play the role of a victim in the dubbing. Actress A agreed to the offer and signed a contract. According to A, the production company promised to protect A's identity as a dubbing actor, use voice modulation, and indicate A's role as a body double actress in the subtitles. However, the production company did not fulfill the oral agreement and released the final Netflix documentary without voice modulation, labeling A as a 'sexual assault victim, former JMS member' in the subtitles. As a result, Actress A suffered from being mistakenly perceived as a JMS sexual assault victim by acquaintances

However, Actress A faced difficulties in receiving legal damage compensation because the production company did not include the details of "dubbing credit" and "voice modulation" that were orally discussed, in the consent agreement. Without thoroughly examining the contract terms, Actress A relied solely on the production company's words and agreed to appear, ultimately becoming a victim of the situation.
Especially since Netflix's 'I Am God' is known as a documentary series, viewers tend to perceive the participants as actual victims. This can lead to cases where victims, like A, who appear as a body double actress but are labeled as "a sexual assault victim" in the subtitles, is misunderstood as a JMS sexual assault victim. Controversy has arisen as it has blurred the essence of a documentary program. It has been pointed out that these victims may face difficulties in raising objections due to unfair contractual clauses and non-disclosure agreements in the consent agreements and contracts they entered into with MBC.


The contract for actress A's appearance in the Netflix documentary 'I am God'


The contract for actress A's appearance in the Netflix documentary 'I am God'


MBC "Official statement from the cast of 'I am God'."

According to A, despite lodging multiple complaints with MBC, every time MBC subcontractors contacted A and attempted to persuade and threaten her, saying things like, "Do you want damage compensation?... It may become difficult for you to appear on MBC..." Furthermore, A reached out to Netflix, but received a response stating that Netflix could not provide assistance and advised A to consult with the production company.
A legal professional stated, "Actress A's situation is unfair and unfortunate, but obtaining an injunction to prohibit the screening seems difficult. It would be ideal if MBC publicly acknowledged their mistake and made corrections, but it's uncertain if that will happen." The legal professional added, "It seems that the only option is to thoroughly examine the contract terms and proceed with a lawsuit."
Actress A expressed her grievances, stating, "I appeared as a body double actress in 'I Am God,' but the production company misrepresented me as a victim in the subtitles." Actress A further stated, "I simply want the subtitles to reflect the initial oral agreement, indicating that I was the body double actress. I am suffering from being misunderstood as a JMS sexual assault victim by acquaintances and people in the film industry."
"Meanwhile, the Netflix documentary 'I am God' featuring JMS Jung Myung-seok has caused a major shock in society as multiple sexual assault victims have come forward, directly testifying about the incidents that occurred at the time. It has been confirmed that the documentary, despite using a body double actress, falsely represented her as a victim of sexual assault, which has significantly undermined credibility as a documentary."

기사원문 : [퍼블릭뉴스] https://www.psnews.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=2025738
