



▲キリスト教福音宣教会の会員たちは16日午後3時、ソウル鐘閣(チョンガク)近くにある世界的なOTT(Over-the-top)韓国支社の建物前で、AマスコミとOTT(Over-the-top)企業を批判する集会を開いた。 ©ブレイクニュース

キリスト教福音宣教会(世称JMS)は7月16日付報道資料で「キリスト教福音宣教会会員の自発的参加で16日午後3時、ソウル鐘閣付近にある世界的なOTT(Over-the-top)韓国支社建物前で集会を開いた」と伝えた。 この宗教団体は「私たちは実践信仰の人生を生きる聖徒たちとして、メディアによって行なわれた暴力と濡れ衣に耐えられず真実を叫ぶために飛び出してきた!」と明らかにした。

この集会の現場には300人余りの会員が集合し、A言論メディアとOTT(Over-the-top)企業を批判する声を高めた。 この集まりを生中継するために集まったYouTuberもいた。

キリスト教福音宣教会側は「会員の自発的参加で16日午後3時、ソウル鐘閣近くにある世界的なOTT(Over-the-top)韓国支社建物前で集会が開かれた。 宣教会会員に向けたJMS反対者の攻撃が憂慮される状況で、行事は警察と主催側進行安全要員がいる中で平和、非暴力集会を標榜し秩序整然と進行した」とし、「宣教会会員たちは行事で今年3月メディアとOTT(Over-the-top)を通じた『メディアの操作、歪曲報道と現チョン・ミョンソク牧師裁判過程に明らかになった不公正性』を糾弾した」と説明した。





*下記は上記の記事を「Google翻訳」で翻訳した英文記事の[全文]です。 「Google翻訳」は理解度を高めるために努力しています。 英語の翻訳に誤りがある可能性があることを前提としています。

<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>

Members of the Christian Gospel Mission call for "discovery of Pastor Myung-Seok Jung's distorted reports"
Condemn the distorted report of 'I am God' through media A and OTT (Over-the-top)... hold a JMS peace rally
-Reporter Park Jeong-dae

The Christian Gospel Mission (hereinafter referred to as JMS) said in a press release on July 16, “With the voluntary participation of Christian Gospel Mission members, a rally was held in front of the world-class OTT (Over-the-top) Korean branch building near Jonggak, Seoul at 3:00 pm on the 16th. .” The religious organization said, “As believers living a life of practical faith, we have come out to speak the truth, unable to bear the violence and false accusations perpetrated by the media!”

At the site of this rally, about 300 members gathered and raised their voices of criticism against media A and OTT (Over-the-top) companies. There were also YouTubers who came to stream the meeting live.

The Christian Gospel Mission said, “With the voluntary participation of the members, a rally was held in front of the world-class OTT (Over-the-top) Korean branch building near Jonggak, Seoul at 3:00 pm on the 16th. In a situation where there were concerns about attacks by opponents of the JMS towards the members of the mission, the event was held in an orderly manner, claiming to be a peaceful, non-violent rally in the presence of police and security personnel from the organizers. Through OTT (Over-the-top), we condemned the 'media's manipulation and distorted reports and the unfairness revealed in the trial of Rev. Jeong Myung-seok'.”

The organizers of the event said, “It is a biased broadcast that only aired the unilateral claims of anti-JMS groups and complainants through media A and OTT (Over-the-top).” The truth was covered by the media play and reckless media reports without fact-checking."

This religious group claimed that the accusation pro who dealt with JMS over the course of a trilogy edited and manipulated Pastor Myung-seok Jeong's voice and directed it as if it were recorded during actual sexual damage, repeatedly showing sexually suggestive scenes to maximize commercial profits, and using a reenactment actor. Also pointed out that the subtitles were falsely marked as if they were actual victims.

A member who identified himself as a JMS 2nd generation member at the meeting site said in a reading of the appeal, "The media attack on the missionary to which I belonged caused damage to the extent that it was difficult to lead a daily life." I tried to live a cleaner life than anyone else, and I actually witnessed his life of love, so I couldn't stand it and stood here."

Missionary member A, who led the event, said at the protest site, "This event was started voluntarily to restore the honor of Pastor Myung-seok Jeong and members who were lost due to media A and distorted broadcasting through OTT (Over-the-top)." It was carried out in a sensitive situation ahead of the trial of Pastor Myung-Seok Jeong, and the church also recommended that the event be suspended."

기사원문 : [브레이크뉴스] https://www.breaknews.com/976606
